
InMoment and Bright Expand Partnership to Elevate the Customer Experience With AI-Powered Upskilling
Did you know that, according to a survey by Gallup and Amazon, “…upskilling is becoming a sought-after...

Recent Lexalytics Press Coverage
Check out some highlights of Lexalytics media coverage over the past few months, including recent customer engagements...

Lexalytics Celebrates Its Anniversary: 20 Years of NLP Innovation
When Mike Marshall and I started Lexalytics back in 2003 as a content management startup, little did we know that the...

Recent Press Coverage
Check out some recent media coverage for Lexalytics, covering new industry perspectives, our recent announcement...

TODAY’S NEWS! Lexalytics Joins Forces with InMoment
Today I’m excited to share the news that Lexalytics has been acquired by InMoment, the leader in Experience...

Six Lessons Learned From Running An AI Company During A Pandemic
While much of the tech world has come through Covid-19 relatively unscathed, some tech-focused industries have...

Dude, Where’s My Neural Net? An Informal and Slightly Personal History
It pretty much started here: McCulloch and Pitts wrote a paper [1] describing an idealized neuron as a threshold logic...

6 Predictions for AI, ML and NLP for 2021
Every year, we like to consider what happened in the last year in AI, ML and NLP, and prognosticate on what might...
Customer Experience Management
How NLP-based VoC programs can help hospitality brands meet customer expectations during COVID-19
(originally posted on Customer Think) COVID-19 has had an extensive impact on the hospitality industry....

AI In Financial Services: Three Current And Emerging Applications
While the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) is a bit of a mixed bag in a number of industries, we’re seeing some...

Best Text Analytics Solutions: The Ultimate Guide
Discover how the top 6 text analytics vendors differ from one another and learn about which platform suits which use...

We Used AI On 6,000 Game of Thrones Predictions
We mined 6,000+ Season 8 Game of Thrones predictions on Reddit. Then we used our AI to analyze them. Here's what we...