Semantria and Diffbot: A Partnership That Makes a Big Diff

Big News!

Semantria and Diffbot, a San Francisco-based start-up that specializes in intelligent web page extraction, have partnered up. The result of this partnership is pretty spectacular.

What’s the Diff?

Say your business, or maybe a competitor, has just released a new product. 

Naturally, you want to know what the buzz is: What are customers saying about it? How do they feel about it? Why? 

But before you can start analyzing the data, you will need to amass conversations across hundreds, if not thousands of websites. These webpages could be Twitter conversations, blog posts, tech/movie review websites, or any other number of websites brimming with text.

Doing this manually would be a tedious, if not impossible, task.

Good thing you don’t have to

Diffbot provides APIs that automatically extract important information in a structured output from any website you wish. Or, if you’re feeling ambitious, it can crawl entire domains, recognize the type of website, and then classify the content accordingly.

The native integration of Diffbot APIs in Semantria means you now have a comprehensive service for all your web-crawling needs, from extraction to analysis.

Semantria and Diffbot: Partnering to make your life easier

Diffbot adds powerful new functionality to Semantria. You can now automatically search the internet for relevant webpages, reorganize their content into a format Semantria can understand, and then analyze the content revealing the who, the what, the how, and the why…all in one service.

Being able to make your job simpler?

That makes all the Diff.